5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (March 10)

6. Kalisto Oddly Being Hurt By Sin Cara Association

King Barrett Sin Cara Kalisto
Speaking of Kalisto, there's a bit of an odd dynamic going on between Sin Cara and himself right now. Before Kalisto became WWE United States Champion, he was very much a part of The Lucha Dragons tandem. Both guys wore matching colours and had the feel of a regular tag-team. Since bagging the belt however, Kalisto has felt a little distant from his partner. Now, their colour schemes are different even when tagging with one another, which is confusing. Even with a singles title around one of their waists, they should surely still be on the same page as one another. On Smackdown, The Lucha Dragons fell to 'King' Barrett and Sheamus in tag action. The match itself was fine, and Sin Cara did take the fall, but Kalisto is oddly feeling held back by teaming with his regular buddy. That's a strange thing to say, but it's coming across like there's a disconnect between both men. It's not doing either, or the US Title any favours at the moment.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.