5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (March 10)

1. Show Had A Good Flow Overall

The Wyatt Family Usos Dolph Ziggler
For the most part, Smackdown was a killer show this week. The 2-hour format really works for the program, because it feels refreshing next to the often interminable Monday Night Raw broadcasts. There was also an excellent flow about the event, and enough good action to sustain interest. The opening tag-team match pitting Sami Zayn and Neville against Kevin Owens and The Miz was well-worked, Chris Jericho's promo felt meaty and impactful, and the main event 8-man tag-team bout always had something to keep eyes on the TV. There can be few grumbles with Smackdown since WWE moved it to the USA Network. Generally, the show has been a highlight of the promotion's week since January. Previously, it had felt a little unnecessary, but there has been much more emphasis placed on adding some storyline development to Smackdown. That can only be considered a good thing, because Smackdown is once again valuable to WWE.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.