5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE Smackdown (Nov 26)


3. Becky Lynch Looked Like Cannon Fodder

Recently, Becky Lynch hasn't really been seen standing alongside Charlotte on WWE programming. Maybe the creative team thought she looked a little pointless, never really having an impact on the feud between her onscreen friend and Paige. Sadly, that's missing the point somewhat entirely, because Lynch could have played a vital part had she been allowed to. Instead, she's become somewhat of a Diva without much purpose. At the moment, Becky is little more than a happy-go-lucky smiling babyface, which isn't much of a character to speak of. On Monday Night Raw, she fell to Sasha Banks, and she was on the losing end once more on Smackdown. Staring at the lights for Paige, Lynch looked like enhancement talent. It really seems like she would have been better served still being alongside Charlotte. At the very least, WWE should offer up some explanation for why she hasn't really been involved. Team PCB has fallen apart entirely. There's a reason why Paige is no longer part of the group, but why aren't Lynch and Charlotte still chums? That doesn't appear to be viewed as an important plot point right now, which is why Becky is currently in complete and utter limbo.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.