5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Oct 22)

4. The New Day Lose Due To Lack Of Xavier Woods

On Monday Night Raw, Xavier Woods found himself on the receiving end of a thunderous Powerbomb through a table. The Dudley Boyz thumped Woods, leaving both Big E and Kofi Kingston distraught on the ramp. Due to the incident, Woods was nowhere to be found on Smackdown, meaning The New Day were fractured for the show. This was played into things very well. Kofi and Big E wore armbands in tribute to their fallen brother, and even got to main event against Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. During that match, they ended up losing, and the insinuation was that they didn't have the usual numbers advantage they normally have. Beforehand, it's likely Xavier Woods would have become involved, distracting opponents or causing a disqualification. It was smart to put over the fact that The New Day use superior numbers whenever they can. Despite their popularity, they are still heels, so there should be no problem with them cheating to gain advantage. The faction didn't have that luxury on Smackdown, and it ended up costing them. They were handled excellently on Smackdown, and it was theorised that The Dudley Boyz may benefit from Xavier's absence at Hell In A Cell.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.