5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Oct 22)

3. Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro Was Fantastic

Even though the build to his match against Kane was sorely lacking, Seth Rollins did manage to shine on Smackdown. In the opening match of the show, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion faced Cesaro. The 'Swiss Superman' has often been without much direction since Tyson Kidd went down with an injury, splitting their tag-team. In the interim, he's formed a duo with Neville. Cheerfully, Cesaro was able to remind everyone what he can do when he's given ample time in a one-on-one encounter. There's no doubt about it, the big European could be doing so much more than WWE let him do. That was evidenced on Smackdown, he looked every bit as much of a star as the cherished Rollins. The finish was well executed too, and involved Cesaro being crotched on the turnbuckle by the heel champ. One Pedigree later, and he was staring at the lights for Seth Rollins. Going into Hell In A Cell, Rollins should be winning. A the champion, he has all too often been a coward and a loser, only escaping by the skin of his teeth. He looked strong here, and the loss doesn't exactly hurt Cesaro. In fact, the strong showing actually helps him. Hopefully, management were paying attention.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.