5 Ups And 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 19)


3. The Miz Was Needlessly Buried

The big hook for Smackdown was that The Miz would host an episode of 'Miz TV' with all of the men still competing in the WWE Title tournament. That was the segment which opened the show, and every single person involved disparaged The Miz in some way. That's nothing new for the man, who had to swim upstream for real behind the scenes upon first arriving in the company. It's fine to have a heel be bashed by all and sundry, but at least make him look somewhat competitive afterwards. Straight after the Miz TV skit, the guy lost to Cesaro in less than a minute. There shouldn't be a problem with the result, it'd be contradictory to points made previously in this article to say that the 'Swiss Superman' should not have won. His victory was fine, but why was The Miz buried so heavily? Miz hasn't really been featured all that heavily on WWE programming in 2015. Perhaps management have soured on the character, or simply don't have much for him to do. Whatever the case, they surely must be able to find something better than what happened on Smackdown. The match would have been much better had The Miz been granted some offensive moves.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.