5 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (April 15th)

3. Main Event, Interrupted

Why do WWE feel the need to interrupt their Network-Exclusive content with advertisements? Paying for the Network should free fans of such chores. During last night's main event of Sami Zayn vs Rhyno, after only five minutes of action, WWE cut away to, of all things, a TV spot for The Marine 4: We All Make Miztakes, and an advert for next week's NXT. Interrupting NXT to advertise NXT with an NXT promo that had already aired THAT NIGHT ON NXT is the sort of snake-eating-its-own-tail nonsense that would make Kafka slap his forehead. What's even more confusing is why WWE doesn't advertise NXT on RAW. RAW had three hours to fill. NXT had 47 mins. Breaking the flow of what was an otherwise very good main event for the audience watching at home does nobody any favours, especially when it's for tat like The Mizrine 4. If someone's watching NXT, it's likely that they're a hardcore fan, and don't want to see The Miz pretend to punch people. They want to see Sami Zayn pretend to punch people, dammit!
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Content Producer

Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.