5 Ups And 5 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (April 15th)

4. Baron Corbin In A Holding Pattern

Baron Corbin squashed another jobber last night. At least the poor sack of meat had a name, Steve Cutler, which is more than can be said for a lot of WWE's jobbers. In fact, let's go one better. Here's a picture of Steve Cutler: Cutler2 You keep on, Steve Cutler. You got this. Squash matches absolutely have their place, but after progressing to a lukewarm feud with Bull Dempsey and a high profile match against Adrian Neville in the NXT Championship #1 Contender Tournament, returning to squash jobbers feels like a step sideways at best, or at worst, a significant step backwards. NXT need to find something for Corbin to do before the crowd start to turn on him. During his subpar no-DQ match against Dempsey, the NXT audience showed signs of wearying of the once-intimidating Lone Wolf. These squashes feel like a re-run. It's time to move forward and show a little bit more of what Corbin's about apart from his, admittedly excellent, finisher.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.