5 Ups And 8 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (March 20)
4. Sami The Geek

One of the many reasons fans can’t stand Stephanie McMahon (as a character) is because she never really gets her comeuppance. She might suffer a small setback from time to time, but she pretty much runs roughshod over the roster with only modest opposition.
Enter Sami Zayn Monday night to stand up for the just-fired Mick Foley. Zayn did an admirable job doing “what no one has the guts to tell you to your face,” and Steph did a nice job as the heel boss, but moments later, Samoa Joe destroyed Sami in a glorified squash again. And Zayn was right back where he started the night, a low-rung geek who is powerless to stand up to Stephanie.
Now, if there was any belief or foresight that this was building to something like Sami battling Samoa Joe at WrestleMania for Foley’s job, or that he would be elevated in some fashion, then this would be an easy “up” as showing progress for Sami.
Instead, it will probably largely be ignored – or worse, he’ll bump into Stephanie next week and get squashed again for not shaking her hand properly.