5 Ups And 9 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Nov 26)
1. Elias Fights From Underneath

From a cowering heel to the guy who insults three men and then steps into the lion’s den, Elias certainly has turned the corner.
On Raw, Elias responded to acting GM Baron Corbin’s threat that wrestlers needed to line up on the right side of history… by laying into Corbin, Bobby Lashley (his opponent) and Drew McIntyre. He sang about Lashley sucking, said Baron as permanent GM would be the worst thing ever, and suggested that Lio Rush working as GM would violate child labor laws.
To top it off, he all-but-bested Lashley, fought off all three during a no-DQ portion of the match, and then took a vicious beatdown that only garnered more sympathy for him.
It’s safe to say that Elias is well on his way as an upper-card babyface.