5 Ways The Undertaker Could Retire From WWE

4. WrestleMania 31 Dream Match VS Sting

Undertaker Sting For may years it has been rumoured that Sting would sign with the WWE. Furthermore many fans have gone on to speculate that Sting's prime WWE opponent would be The Undertaker. This 'dream match' has often been debated in wrestling forums by wrestling commentators and casual fans alike. After all a match between Sting and The Undertaker would be a meeting of two legends, a Shawn Michaels meets Hulk Hogan dream bout, only ten times better! The WWE has recently teased the idea of this match with an analysis on its website WWE.com. Speculation that Sting has already signed a contract with Vince McMahon are in abundance although nothing has been officially confirmed. Yet, if the rumours prove to be true and Sting has finally agreed to appear in the WWE, perhaps the ultimate dream match with The Undertaker is not so farfetched and dreamlike as first thought. The streak has ended and so The Undertaker is free to enter his first WrestleMania in years without the extraordinary weight of expectation that he will always walk out of WrestleMania a winner. So a WrestleMania 31 'once in a lifetime match' versus Sting would be contested on a level playing field. Whoever would win the match would be largely irrelevant as the match would be more about the spectacle of the confrontation than who would end up having their arm raised as the victor. Perhaps it is for this reason that such a match would be a perfect opportunity for The Undertaker to officially enter his retirement. An angle could arise in which The Undertaker appears on a RAW show sometime on the road to WrestlerMania 31 teasing his retirement, however he is interrupted by Sting who challenges him to a match on 'The Grandest Stage Of Them All.' The Undertaker would accept and announce to the WWE Universe that the match would be his last. If promoted well the match could be the most anticipated match up of all time. Following the match The Undertaker could enter his retirement with a short speech on the microphone, leaving the WWE Universe with an historic moment more fitting for The Undertaker's last WrestleMania appearance and subsequent WWE departure than the lonely figure he cast walking solemnly from the ring following his defeat to Lesnar at WrestleMania 30.

Martin Rowe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.