5 Ways WWE Can Improve NXT

4. Explore New Characters Archetypes

Austin Aries Hideo Itami

Have you noticed that Liv Morgan has been getting pushed quite a bit in NXT? Have you also noticed that the NXT audience isn't really taking her in? There are many different reasons why this is, but for me, it's because her character has already come and gone - she is the New Jersey version of Carmella.

NXT has made some great characters in the past, like the model Tyler Breeze, opera singer turned vaudevillain Aiden English, and WWE's favorite G's Enzo and Big Cass. Even some of the sillier things, like Big E's five count and Bo-lieving, went over huge with the Full Sail University crowd. Although Full Sail is a great crowd, they obviously aren't a pulse on what the casual WWE fan wants. Out of these five gimmicks, only one of them has translated to the main roster.

Though you would think that gimmicks are hurting the problem, the lack of gimmicks is what's hurting NXT right now. Sure, Bobby Roode is "glorious," and Austin Aries is "the greatest man who ever lived," but those two plus a couple of dancing gimmicks aren't enough to really show growth in character development.

In NXT, we have two monster tag teams, two catty women, a foreign tag team, and whatever you want to call Wesley Blake. These are all archetypes we have seen before - both in WWE and NXT. If NXT wants to continue to grow, give us something new to enjoy.


Missourian. Mets fan. Avid gamer and lover of music. Part time super villain.