5 WWE Legends, Lies & Mistruths Revealed (And Debunked)

3. Vince McMahon Killed WCW From The Inside Out

Once the WWE regained control of the ratings during the Monday Night Wars WCW struggled to get back on form. No amount of NWO reunions would be able to generate the buzz the original faction once had and thus ratings were in the toilet. Then in the late '90's the company seemingly got the boost they needed in the form of former WWF/E creative guys Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara. With two of the competition's top writers on board how could WCW fail? But what if the defection of Russo and Ferrara wasn't an accident? What if Vince McMahon actually sent them to destroy the company from the inside? That was the rumour doing the rounds after WCW's ratings continued to plummet. If Russo and Ferrara were so integral to the success of the WWF/E during the Attitude Era how could it be they got things so horrendously wrong working in Atlanta? It's not hard to see why this urban legend/conspiracy theory took shape. The legend became so strong in fact it took on a life of its own so much so that even the talent believed it. The truth however was probably more like Russo and Ferrara weren't quite as integral as they made out and without Vince McMahon to filter out their OTT stupid ideas they were left to drag WCW further into the depths. Hey, maybe Vince sent Bruce Prichard to TNA to do the same thing?
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.