5 WWE Legends, Lies & Mistruths Revealed (And Debunked)

1. Nobody Screwed Bret ... Except Maybe WCW

bret hart Dare I mention the infamous Montreal Screw Job here without setting off a whole new debate in the comments section about what really happened? Well unfortunately no feature about half truths, myths and legends in pro wrestling would be complete without this one. We all know the popular version of the story - because Bret Hart tells it EVERY chance he gets. Bret was wrestling his final match for the WWE and had agreed that the finish to his match would be a DQ loss to Shawn Michaels. He would then surrender the top title back to the company in front of the world the following night on Monday Night RAW. What actually happened was ... well, you all know by now. Vince McMahon called for the bell mid match and screwed Bret out of the World title (for real) and his legacy. Blah Blah Blah. But what if there never actually was a screw job? What if Bret was in on it all along? Have I just blown your mind or what? It's entirely plausible that even Shawn Michaels was unaware of the truth with only McMahon and Hart knowing what was really happening. The fewer people that knew the truth the less likely it would be for the truth to ever come out. But why would Bret agree to such an idea? Well it would give him amazing heat going into WCW and would help shape McMahon's new 'evil boss' persona giving both men a significant boost. If that was the case though someone forgot to tell WCW that Bret was supposed to come in to the company with amazing heat as he was mishandled the entire time he was employed by them. Following the death of Bret's younger brother Owen Bret was never the same again anyway but even without that terribly tragic occurrence it seems the only one to screw The Hitman was WCW's creative team.
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Bret Hart
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.