5 WWE Tag Team Reunions That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

2. The Hardy Boys (2006)

The Hardys Randy Orton Raw 2006

Along with Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boys, Matt and Jeff Hardy are credited with reinvigorating mainstream American tag team wrestling, particularly through their series of thrilling ladder and TLC matches at the turn of the new millennium.

The brothers Hardy started off as enhancement workers before years of good work putting over other, lesser performers (and making them look good in the process) earned them a full-time WWE contract and a spot on the main roster. They had a wonderful run between mid-1999 and the spring of 2002 but, just like with E&C and the Duds, their act had grown stale and they needed to go their separate ways.

Matt excelled over on Smackdown, crafting the whole 'Mattitude' gimmick, which was a winner. He had his ups and downs, sure, but, generally speaking, he enjoyed success.

Ultra-talented Jeff, on the other hand, was handed opportunity after opportunity by WWE management but his burnout coupled with personal and substance abuse problems were his downfall. His body was beaten up badly and he wanted off the road and he began turning up for work late or in no real condition to perform. After refusing to attend rehab, he was released in April 2003.

Jeff returned to WWE rings in August 2006 after a couple of so-so years in TNA. This time he claimed he was ready for the schedule and the bumps and bruises that go along with it and he was rewarded with a decent push and a couple of Intercontinental Title runs early on. Realising that Matt was still on their books and not doing much over on Smackdown, WWE decided to team them up.

The duo were first given a 'warm-up match' on ECW before making their way to Raw, where they battled Rated-RKO (Randy Orton & Edge) in the main event of the November 27th 2006 episode of the show. From there they had a series of good, competitive matches with MNM and became a regular team in 2007, winning the World Tag Team Titles.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...