50 Best WWE Matches Of The 90s

36. Savio Vega Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (In Your House: Beware Of Dog)

After a storm of biblical proportions wrecked the feed of the Sunday night pay-per-view, three of the scheduled matches were aired live the following Tuesday night. One of them was this hellacious Caribbean Strap Match, in which Austin's manager Ted Dibiase vowed to leave the company if Austin lost. The wheels of someone's big push were about to be set in motion. Vega was always underrated by any standard, and the proof exists in the test of character that was this match. While spotfests can be nice, sometimes two men committing simple violence in the name of victory, without arranging furniture, is engrossing enough. Vega would win, though Austin later claimed that he 'took a dive' to rid himself of Dibiase. You know what came next.

35. Bret Hart Vs. Hakushi (Monday Night Raw, 7/24/95)

Not their enjoyable match from the maiden In Your House, but rather their clash on a live edition of Raw later in the summer of 1995. This match has gained its shared of fame because of Hakushi employing the use of a 'space flying tiger drop', a cartwheel into a moonsault plancha that impressively cleared the top rope. In a 1995 that was populated by loser gimmicks and plodding big men, Hakushi sadly fell through the cracks, even though fans were easily charmed by his daredevilry. He and Hart shared innate chemistry with each other, concluding their mini-feud here with a clean Hart victory. Hakushi would turn face shortly thereafter, before bowing out of the company in early 1996.

Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.