50 Funniest Wrestling Moments Of 2023

35. Kenny Omega With A Superb Bit Of Trolling

He tends not to get involved on socials much anymore - looking at the state of X, can you blame him? - but when he logs on, Kenny Omega is a delight.

That tweet was posted on April 15, in response to some CM Punk-related drama or other. Who can even keep track at this point? Maybe Punk spotted Matt Hardy on the phone to Dave saying "Phil doesn't even have a dog, is what I heard" and put him in a triangle but refused to cinch it in too tight, being a trained killer and all.

Who knows.

An exceptional bait-and-switch from the Best Bout Machine, all the same.

34. Mark Briscoe's National TV Debut

Mark Briscoe Lexi Nair AEW

While the reason he was allowed on TBS was as bittersweet as it gets, Mark Briscoe's fish-out-of-water character was wonderful.

That he didn't anticipate getting interrupted - on AEW television! - was very funny. His bulging-eyed, incredulous facial expression was great, but so too was the way in which he bore a hole through the camera, like it was completely alien to him. Brilliantly, he was smarter than the heels who tried to use him. He knew instantly that Smart Mark Sterling was full of it.

There was a lot of talk about "cinema" in the wrestling fandom this year. A lot.

Only Mark Briscoe actually understood the assignment.

33. Samoa Joe Vs. CM Punk

CM Punk

Star ratings discourse is less interesting than Austin Theory, but Dave going ***1/2 on Samoa Joe Vs. CM Punk was ridiculous. That match was such a joy to watch.

Punk worked his hide off stooging for Joe, took at least two sick headers to put him over as a monster, and it was still an extremely funny and cathartic match. Joe stoved Punk's head in, caused him to lose a bucket of blood, and then flipped him off. Joe also called Punk a w***er for being dumb enough to attempt a crossbody to the floor. Punk got it - he knew most everybody in Wembley hated his guts, and showed every dimple of his ass to them. It wasn't just a comedy match, but it was funny as hell. So was Punk Vs. Satoshi Kojima at Forbidden Door.

Say what you want about the man, but when he was sent out there early, there wasn't a single funnier heel all year.

32. Kazuchika Okada's Treatment Of Kaito Kiyomiya

Kazuchika Okada

Kaito Kiyomiya, supposed Ace of Pro Wrestling NOAH, was supposed to get the "rub" by targeting NJPW Ace Kazuchika Okada. They worked the best angle of the year together at Wrestle Kingdom 17 in Yokohama Arena, when a tag match was thrown out following the most realistic worked-shoot brawl of the century. Okada killed the poor guy.

Then he simply beat him at Keiji Mutoh's retirement show in merciless fashion.

Then, at the G1 Climax presser, Okada called him a "little guy" to no riposte.

Okada is basically treating Kiyomiya like Austin Theory - the only difference being that Kiyomiya is actually really good.

31. Karen Jarrett Gets A Tune Out Of Aubrey Edwards

Karen Jarrett

Double Or Nothing peaked at the end, with highlights (namely Big Bill) sprinkled throughout the show, but by Christ was it obsessed with interference and heat spots. They needn't have bothered. Karen Jarrett had 'em all licked on how to draw heat.

She is so great at twisting her face into the vilest of expressions, a burning ball of indignant, entitled hate, and as referee Mark Briscoe got bumped, Aubrey Edwards - who had always foiled Jeff Jarrett's attempts to cheat - ran onto the scene.

In a delirious note of black comedy, Karen then blasted Aubrey in the head with a guitar. This was built perfectly. Aubrey was always the judge and jury, but she got executed in Las Vegas and took an awesome bump to get the spot over.


Michael Sidgwick is an editor, writer and podcaster for WhatCulture Wrestling. With over seven years of experience in wrestling analysis, Michael was published in the influential institution that was Power Slam magazine, and specialises in providing insights into All Elite Wrestling - so much so that he wrote a book about the subject. You can order Becoming All Elite: The Rise Of AEW on Amazon. Possessing a deep knowledge also of WWE, WCW, ECW and New Japan Pro Wrestling, Michael’s work has been publicly praised by former AEW World Champions Kenny Omega and MJF, and current Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes. When he isn’t putting your finger on why things are the way they are in the endlessly fascinating world of professional wrestling, Michael wraps his own around a hand grinder to explore the world of specialty coffee. Follow Michael on X (formerly known as Twitter) @MSidgwick for more!