50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

50. €œYou Can€™t Wrestle!€

Here€™s a chant that no wrestler ever wants to hear: while chanting €œboring€ is pretty bad, a chant that basically tells a wrestler that he doesn€™t know how to do his job is both demeaning and embarrassing. When a wrestler hears this, it€™s time to switch up the wrestling style or take the long walk back to a training center. But then it€™s not always the end of the world: even guys like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have at one point in their careers received the €œyou can€™t wrestle€ chant, and they went on to have match of the year candidates numerous times. It€™s not a career killing chant, but it still hits well below the belt.

49. €œShave Your Back!€

Only the hairiest of the hairy, the manliest of the manly, the alpha male wrestlers who throw away their razors and shaving creams in preference to a coat of the finest human hair, are awarded this prestigious chant. One notable professional wrestler who often got the chant was Tensai aka A-Train. There was a period of time where €œshave your back€ chants followed him everywhere he went, but he never let the fans get to him. He kept that back as hairy as a wildebeest, and so should any wrestler who happens to share the DNA of the Wolf Man.

48. €œYou€™ve Got Herpes!€

It€™s not certain if a male wrestler has ever received this unique chant, but back in the good ol€™ days of ECW, Francine would receive this chant on multiple occasions. True, she did have something of a reputation when it came to €œoffice romances€ and her involvement between Tommy Dreamer and Raven, along with Beulah McGillicutty, threw just enough grease on the fire to warrant such a chant. It was a chant that only applied to a very minute number of wrestlers, and thankfully the chant, along with its subject matter, didn€™t spread out any further.
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Daniel Bryan
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.