50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

35. €œWe Want ____!€

Most of the time this particular chant is for a wrestler that the fans want to have come out to save the day, but other times various objects have also been added to the end of the chant. Even something as ridiculous as Head, Al Snow€™s loyal mannequin head friend back in the day. Whatever the fans wanted, they made it abundantly clear by shouting their desires towards WWE programming. Sometimes they got what they wanted, and other time they were ignored. It just goes to show that no matter what spectacular show WWE may have planned, the fans will still find a way to want something else. There€™s just no pleasing some people.

34. €œHe Has Till Five!€

There€™s a rule in wrestling that if one wrestler is able to grab the rope during a submission move, the one applying the submission has until the referee€™s count of five before being disqualified. In Ring of Honor, guys like Daniel Bryan (at that time still wrestling as Bryan Danielson) and Samoa Joe would often remind the referee that he knew the rules and had until the count of five. The fans would join in with Bryan and yell at the referee that he has until the five count. Between Bryan and the fans, all the ref could do was count to five.

33. €œYou Sold Out!€

Whenever a wrestler aligned himself with an authority figure, this chant would get dusted off and used mercilessly. There have been numerous times in the past where a wrestler would betray his friends, and even loved ones, just to have more authoritative power in his hands. The most recent act would be Seth Rollins betraying his former Shield brethren Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Sometimes the wrestler who sold out would ignore the fans while other times the wrestler would argue that he didn€™t sell out, but bought in instead. Either way, it was a dick move worthy of the loudest chanting.
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Daniel Bryan
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.