50 Greatest Wrestling Chants of All Time

32. €œPlease Don€™t Die!€

No, really. Please don€™t! Some wrestlers can get pretty crazy when it comes to entertaining the fans, and sometimes they€™ll even climb twenty foot high ladders and dive through two stacks of tables just to provide this entertainment. That€™s when the fans usher a warning to these wrestlers simply by making the request that he doesn€™t die from the move. Fortunately, death in wrestler is extremely rare, but serious injuries are more common. Maybe it€™s better to say €œplease don€™t paralyze yourself,€ but that doesn€™t really have the same ring to it.

31. €œAssclown!€

Thank you, Chris Jericho, for making the term assclown a part of professional wrestling. Back in Jericho€™s WCW days he would call just about everyone he faced an assclown, and even when he made a successful transition to WWE he still made sure to call his opponents assclowns. Whether it was on the microphone, in the ring, or during a backstage segment, Jericho was synonymous with assclown, and the fans ate it up. Now the term is no longer in use, but now that Jericho is back maybe there€™ll be one more assclown chant in the near future.

30. €œFire Russo!€

Poor Vince Russo; he played a big role during his time in WWE€™s Attitude Era and in WCW€™s reawakening of the late nineties, but with all of the hard work he put into creating storylines and booking wrestlers, he continues to get harassed by fans for creating angles that either made no sense, were too convoluted to follow, or was simply not entertaining to watch. As a result, fans have often chanted for Russo to be fired during particularly bad wrestling segments, even when he€™s not the one responsible for the storyline being hated on. This goes on in TNA a lot, and while Russo may have moved on as a consultant, his wrestling past still haunts him thanks to this chant.
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My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.