50 Ruthless Aggression Era Superstars Ranked From Worst To Best

37. Victoria

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1. Very skilled

2. Killer finisher

3. Did the ‘crazy chick’ gimmick well


1. Was forced to play second fiddle to the Diva Search women

2. Didn’t have the look that WWE was looking for, despite her history as a bodybuilder

3. She earned a reputation for legitimately hurting other women

The former female bodybuilder was the perfect heel for that division. She was bigger than most of her fellow women, she could work well against virtually all of the women in WWE at the time, and she had one of the most devastating finishers in the entire company in the Widow’s Peak.

Her skills let to great rewards soon enough, as she and Trish Stratus put on an exciting Hardcore Match, and she later won the Women’s Championship.

Unfortunately, Victoria had the misfortune of being on RAW during the first half of the Ruthless Aggression era, which meant that the general theme around women’s wrestling on the show was ‘looks above skill’. Victoria, Lita and Trish had to take a backseat, to an extent, to the Diva Search women, and in 2004, Victoria even feuded with Christie Hemme in what could only be described as a ‘poor’ feud.

By that point in time, the WWE Universe was more interested in seeing women actually wrestle than perform ‘Hot Lesbian Action’. If only WWE’s management would’ve seen that at the time.

Final Rating: ***1/4


Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.