50 Worst WWE & TNA Moments Of 2014

45. Seth Rollins' Briefcase Surprise

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are vital to WWE right now. With the company lacking star power, these two will be needed for years to come in top roles. Overall they€™re doing fine, but there has been a few stumbles along the way. Mainly, creative can€™t quite seem to get what Ambrose€™s character is supposed to be. He seems to be doing a poor man€™s, PG version of Steve Austin. With Austin, we got zambonis and beer trucks. With Ambrose, we€™re getting hot dog carts. His worst attack, though, was when he stole Rollins briefcase (which appeared to contain a dildo as it was vibrating away during a backstage sketch), and must have spent hours of his free time loading a green slime trap. It exploded in Rollins' case to the delight of Ambrose, Vince McMahon and 7-year-olds everywhere.

As Rust Cohle from True Detective said "Life's barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you're good at." Sadly, I can't solve a murder like Rust...or change a tire, or even tie a tie. But I do know all the lyrics to Hulk Hogan's "Real American" theme song and can easily name every Natural Born Thriller from the dying days of WCW. I was once ranked 21st in the United States in Tetris...on the Playstation 3 version...for about a week. Follow along @AndrewSoucek and check out my podcast at wrestlingwithfriends.com