6 Best Traditional WWE Royal Rumble Alternatives

5. Reverse Battle Royal (TNA)

aztec warfare

Leave it to TNA: the organisation are always good for trying something different. Again, much like the previous entry this wasn't necessarily a winning idea. At least it felt fresh though, something the promotion have (unjustly at times) been criticised for not being over the years.

In both 2006 and 2007, TNA promoted something they called the 'Fight For The Right Tournament'. Supposed to establish a new top contender for the TNA World Title, this ordeal consisted of three different stages. Eventually, a single elimination tournament would determine who challenged for the gold, but not before everyone involved worked a Reverse Battle Royal.

You read that correctly: a Reverse Battle Royal. Basically, 16 wrestlers would fight outside of the ring, trying their best to get inside the thing. Once 8 men had managed that feat, they'd compete in a standard over-the-top-rope Battle Royal to determine their seeding rank for the upcoming tournament.

Confused yet? Many wrestling fans were, which is likely why TNA abolished the idea after 2007. Once again though, the company cannot be bashed for trying something unique. Look this one up.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.