6 Biggest Winners From NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn

1. Finn Balor

nxt bayley

With such a big match on a big show in front of the biggest NXT crowd yet, of course Finn Balor brought The Demon. This ladder match for Finn's NXT Title started pretty close to 11pm EST, but they still went over 20 minutes long. That's the benefit of owning your own network, I guess.

Owens was his entertainingly smarmy self, taking several chances to mock the crowd. When Brooklyn busted out an Ole chant, Kevin mocked a Sami Zayn celebration - and a Sami Zayn shoulder injury because of that celebration. It was pretty funny.

These two made good use of their weapons, including a sick looking back body drop that sent Owens onto a ladder opened on its side. Owens also pulled Balor off the ladder into a nasty Powerbomb.

Balor's last move was really the only thing it could've been: Coup de Grace off the top of the ladder. Well, he was on the top step but not on the very tip top, but that's still high enough to drop my jaw.

Finn climbed the ladder to successfully retrieve his title. This was the perfect cap to a great show.  


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.