6 Biggest Winners From NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn

2. Bayley

nxt bayley

The revolution for women's wrestling continues on with it's newest champion, Bayley. Sasha Banks lost her title in one amazing match that if you missed it, go watch it now. I'll wait.

There were so many great moments in this that I'm only going to be able to mention a couple of the dozens of jaw dropping ones from this match. A vicious segment was when Sasha had her Banks Statement locked in and Bayley almost grabbed on to the ropes. To prevent her from finally grabbing them, Sasha brutally stomped on Bayley's outstretched arm over and over.

The finish needs to be seen to be believed. Bayley performed a middle rope reverse hurricanrana onto Sasha, followed by her Bayley-to-belly suplex. She pinned Banks to win the title.

Post-match, the NXT Four Horsewomen (even Sasha) celebrated in the ring with Bayley for her win. It was a great moment with four of the best wrestlers today. 


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.