6 Charming Moments From Unfiltered With Renee Young

4. Women Are Just As Funny As Men


The second episode of Unfiltered found Renee Young conversing with the two stars and the director of the new movie Hot Pursuit. Reese Witherspoon, Sofia Vergara, and Anne Fletcher were promoting their movie when they arrived at the topic of women being just as funny as men.

As director Anne Fletcher merely mentioned that their movie was a female version of a typically male genre, the buddy cop movie, Renee did a small celebration at the idea of those barriers being knocked down.

Reese Witherspoon would also emphasize how important it was in this movie to create funny, meaningful dynamics between women rather than their purpose of solely being romantic objects for men.

Fletcher would deviate from that train of thought a little later on and started explaining that she didn't find women to be as funny as men. Renee looked exasperated and Fletcher started laughing, telling her that she was just kidding. 

In this post: 
Renee Young
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.