6 Charming Moments From Unfiltered With Renee Young

3. Anne Fletcher's Favorite Swear Word

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After a fun conversation about women in comedy, Renee Young closed out this episode by asking Anne Fletcher what her favorite swear word was. Without hesitation she proclaimed it to be the F word.

Renee seem to like this choice and told her, "It's classic."

"In any way, shape, or form, it is my go to," said Fletcher.

Taking a moment to remember more impressionable viewers, the director of Hot Pursuit addressed her nieces and nephews. She told them that she would never use it in public and that the word is "disrespectful and it makes you look trashy." Anne then winked at the camera.

It was a lighthearted end to a fun dialogue. Renee took her show to the world of Hollywood and seemed absolutely at ease. She is a natural interviewer. 

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Renee Young
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.