6 Charming Moments From Unfiltered With Renee Young

2. Wiz Khalifa Likes His Donuts


Renee young may be a skilled interviewer but not every interview is going to click.

Popular rapper Wiz Khalifa joined her on the third episode of Unfiltered and he never seemed to really connect with her. Maybe he is always that low-key but the conversation never took off like in the previous two episodes.

One example of this is when Renee asked Wiz what items he needs while he is touring. He explained that he likes fresh fruits and assorted donuts.

Renee tried to let the exchange find its course and go in an authentic direction by asking him what one doughnut he would pick if he only had only one to eat for the rest of his life.

"Naw, I'm just not that type of person." Wiz obviously takes his donuts very seriously and will not be pinned down to only one. Hypothetical donut shortages do not register with him and he will not be made to think about it.

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Renee Young
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.