6 Cues The WWE Could Take From Lucha Underground

5. Let The Announcers Call Matches From Time To Time

The announcing is absolutely one of the finer aspects of Lucha Undergound. Matt Striker and Vampiro have been a refreshing break from what we€™ve become accustom to from the WWE€™s announce teams. For those of you that don€™t know a world of announcing that doesn€™t involve burying your own segments or talking about extraneous products, apps, networks and crap like that, announcers at Lucha Underground are encouraged to call matches. It€™s wonderful! During Lucha Undergound, you learn about wrestling holds and maneuvers, you learn about wrestling history, you learn about the back story of the competitors involved, and you are sold on the product presently taking place in the ring by Striker and Vampiro. They not only educate, they move the story forward by explaining the unexplained and adding wrinkles to the narrative at the right time. An example would be that Vampiro has consistently drawn attention to the relationship between Konnan and Lucha Underground star Prince Puma. He contends that Konnan isn€™t merely training him Prince Puma, but that he is corrupting the promising young Luchadore, because there is no generous bone in Konnan€™s body. Konnan is selfish and in it or himself. Furthermore, Striker managed to reference The Beyonder of Marvel Comics fame on this week€™s episode of Lucha Underground when trying to explain the pot stirring actions of Dario Cueto, which is just an awesomely appropriate and nerdy reference. That kind of info on commentary helps build character and story. That kind of announcing takes place during the entire Lucha Underground show, where you are educated about the past and present of wrestling. That kind of announcing would truly benefit the WWE from time to time.

Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.