6 Cues The WWE Could Take From Lucha Underground

4. Don't Overstay Your Welcome

One of the best things about Lucha Underground is its brevity. At the end of each episode it truly leaves you wanting more, which is what any good show should do. Their segments don€™t drag because their time is limited and they need to build a world and characters for their story to live in. They don€™t have time to waste and that is always conveyed to their audience. As said before, it really leaves you anticipating the next episode, because you never quite feel like you got enough. That is certainly one of the strengths of NXT, so the WWE knows how to judiciously manage their time; it just seems that when it comes to Monday Night Raw, they choose not to. Raw on a good week drags. The show seemingly goes on forever, which is terrible on a particularly loaded TV night (The Blacklist, Gotham, Forever, Scorpion and of course Monday Night Football are just some of the other options, all more palatable than 3 hours of Raw on most weeks). The fact is that Lucha Underground has told more story in its 42 minute run time the last two weeks, than the WWE has told during two months€™ worth of 3 hour Raws. Segments shouldn€™t drag, they shouldn€™t be struggling to fit things into a 3 hour show, and they certainly shouldn€™t make me feel like I€™ve had enough of the fluff they€™re running half way through their show. WWE definitely needs to do a better job of making 3-hour Raws run more judiciously, where fewer segments or matches overstay their welcome.

Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.