6 "Greatest" Moments From WCW's Hogan vs Warrior Feud

6. Now... That's An Entrance?

On August 8th, 1998, while Hogan was giving a promo about how he'd defeated every person, giant, and warrior in wrestling, the real Warrior showed up. Decked out in a pair of jeans, no shirt, and a graffiti style duster, The Warrior proceeded to declare his return in the form of a 15 minute rant. Problem was, he was really only suppose to talk for 4 or 5 minutes, and the whole schedule of the show was thrown out the window. Of course it's cute they expected things to go smoothly with The Warrior, and admire their gusto, but they got what they deserved. Warrior would take the longest road possible in order to arrive at the destination of 'You Never Beat Me, Let's Have The Return Match To Settle This'. He informed Hogan that the world was waiting for a new superhero, a clean-cut guy with morals who stood for all that was good & right. Clearly, Warrior had been watching the likes of Stone Cold Steve Austin and the nWo and knew that the fans weren't buying their acts, and were dying for some good ol' whitebread. He let everyone know that he'd defeated Hogan before, and that honestly, there wasn't much to it. Really, it's 101 on how to build & sell a match in a single promo; you talk for 15 minutes, use words like "indomitable", and let everyone know you've already defeated the person and would honestly rather be working on a new duster. Despite what Mean Gene said on the Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD, the segment did a huge number, and proved that fans were interested in seeing what The Warrior was up to.

Caliber Winfield is more legend. Despite making up every rumor himself, they're all true. He's so manly he has to shave his eyeballs, and he was mistaken for The Rock as well as Ryan Gosling in the same day, both men said it was the greatest day of their life when they heard the news.