6 Major Booking Mistakes WWE Made At No Mercy

1. Cena Passing The Torch

Enzo Amore Neville

Which brings us nicely onto WWE’s biggest mistake of the night: not learning their lesson with Roman Reigns.

Of course it was the right decision for Reigns to go over Cena, who is leaving for Hollywood before WrestleMania season, while Roman is on course for that showdown with Lesnar.

But the cheesy post-match arm raise from Cena, an unofficial passing of the torch designed to try to gain support for The Big Dawg, is not going to work. Fans are not that easily led and can see through that most basic of manipulation tactics.

The same trick failed with The Rock at Royal Rumble 2015. It will only increase the hate on Reigns. Most of the viewership have already made their mind up that they aren’t going to cheer for him, so WWE has to come up with different ways of booking him.

It would have been better to see Reigns reject Cena’s congratulations and spear him to the canvas. That would have been more fitting of the cool badass persona which Reigns has developed to blur the lines between face and heel. It would also have left this story open for another chapter. Instead, the book on Reigns versus Cena seems closed before it really had a chance to start.


Sports Journalism graduate. Writer on football, WWE, film and TV. The greatest TV show ever is The West Wing, and the greatest footballer ever is Harry Kane. One of those claims carries greater weight than the other. Disagree? Discuss with me on Twitter @JoeFish08