6 More Times Wrestlers Performed Their Finishers In Movies

1. The Rock - Jumanji

Not very long ago there was a news report circulating that said part of the Rock’s contract requirements for movies included a “social media package”, which basically meant that if you actually wanted him to tweet about the film, it was going to cost you an extra $1million dollars. I, incidentally, have a similar requirement with all prospective girlfriends.

Anyway, I remember also thinking that I bet you get all those juicy extras for free, provided you let him hit a Rock Bottom at some point. He’s done it in Star Trek Voyager, Welcome To The Jungle, Tooth Fairy, Walking Tall and, most recently, in the Jumanji remake he starred in alongside Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Karen Gillan's stomach.

There he is, just casually getting The Big Shop in when, all of a sudden, he’s set upon by assorted jabronis and hits one of them with A Rock Bottom. Now, this was also pointed out in the last article but the older Dwayne's getting the more these moves are starting to look like Booker T's Book End. Which just goes to prove that you either die the hero, or you live long enough to see yourself shuckyduckyquackquack.

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