6 New WWE Directions After Battleground 2017

2. Jinder Mahal Has An Insurance Policy

Jinder Mahal The Great Khali Battleground

Brace yourselves, because it looks like we're getting Randy Orton vs. The Great Khali at SummerSlam. Unless WWE just brought Khali back as a one-off, he's a shoe in to tangle with Orton in Brooklyn. If that's not on the cards at all, then he may well act as an occasional insurance policy for Jinder Mahal instead.

Theoretically, WWE could do both. Khali did repeatedly take the WWE Title from Jinder and hold it high above his head, so maybe he'll also believe he's the one who should be champion. That would cause problems down the road, giving John Cena (or whomever Mahal's top title challenger is) a weakness to exploit.

The writing team have several options to work with here, which is hardly a bad thing. Khali as Mahal's gatekeeper makes the most sense though, because the giant would logically be proud of his compatriot for bagging the most prestigious title in WWE to begin with.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.