6 NXT TakeOver: Chicago Reactions Match By Match

4. NXT Women's Championship: Asuka Vs. Nikki Cross Vs. Ruby Riot

NXT TakeOver Chicago Hideo Itami Bobby Roode

The ladies had an uphill struggle following the UK Championship match, but the three had the talent to make it work. This match was undoubtedly hurt by the injury suffered by Ember Moon during the Battle Royal, as the real story is between her and the dominant Asuka.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ruby and Nikki were unable to put their differences aside to attack the 'Empress of Tomorrow' at the outset, and she made them pay for it. The only real chance the other two ladies had would be when Asuka is out of the ring and they can try and get a pinfall on each other - that is exactly the story they put forward. Asuka was great as her usual dominant self, and Riot and Cross each performed well in the Triple Threat.

A highlight was a great power spot from Asuka as she picks up Ruby from a pinfall attempt and deadlifts her into a German suplex. Asuka has been built up to be such a dominating monster that it's really going to mean a lot when she finally gets beaten, maybe by Ember Moon when she's healthy.

The finish came off as slightly mis-timed, as Asuka was seemingly supposed to deliver the kick to Ruby's head during the pinfall instead of after the kick out, but overall a good three-way.


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