6 NXT TakeOver: Chicago Reactions Match By Match

2. NXT Tag Team Championship: DIY Vs. Authors Of Pain

NXT TakeOver Chicago Hideo Itami Bobby Roode

And so we arrived at the main event, the ladder match for the NXT Tag Team Championships. This was a tough one to call going in, as AOP have been so dominant and have improved enormously since winning the belts, but Gargano and Ciampa are ridiculously over. Chicago gave the challengers a great reaction for their entrance.

The action was brutal from the get-go, with all four guys killing each other with the ladders. Gargano especially is a master of selling the brutal shots. The stipulation allowed the challengers to hold their own, with DIY using the ladders in innovative ways to combat their larger opponents. The double frog splash spot was amazing, with Chicago bringing out the old Paul London "please don't die" chant for DIY.

Johnny Gargano taking the ladder battering ram spot by saving Ciampa was brutal, and I hope it was a great selling job rather than him catching the shot badly. The fact that he saved his partner showed the first glimmer of foreshadowing, by WWE logic, that we may have been seeing a Ciampa heel turn.

DIY got so close, but AOP pulled out their power at the last second to retain the gold. This was a great ladder match, and an excellent main event.

Just as the show was going off the air, Ciampa indeed made his heel turn. I love that they even showed the standard copyright notice before he attacked, to make it more surprising. I didn't want to see the turn, but this was done so well that I'm excited to see the feud.


Purveyor of useless information, mostly concerning gaming, pro wrestling and British sitcoms.