Despite getting off to something of a rocky start, 2014 has been the best year in Brock Lesnar's WWE career. It began with him being placed in a forgettable feud with Mark Henry and The Big Show - but the company have poured tonnes of gas on Brock's proverbial fire since then. The Beast Incarnate is now unarguably the WWE's hottest property - if defeating the Undertaker at WrestleMania didn't establish that, his shockingly decisive victory over John Cena at SummerSlam certainly solidified it. But now he moves onto a new phase in his WWE career - Brock's previously held the company's top title, but when he did so between 2002 and 2004 he was working under radically different conditions. Like trusty old Uncle Ben said, with great power comes great responsibility - and with all of Brock's startlingly impressive accomplishments in the last year comes new sets of problems. The Road to WrestleMania XXXI truly began with his monumental title win, and while the idea of having the 1 in 21 and 1 as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion sounds appealing on paper, is it actually a sound business move and one that will result in quality television? Maybe - but there are six reasons why Brock Lesnar as the official top dog may not be a good idea.
6. His Part Time Schedule
Firstly and most obviously, we don't know what Brock Lesnar's working schedule with the WWE will be like in the coming months. Since his return in 2012, Brock has only wrestled seven matches - two against John Cena, three against Triple H (in a feud that certainly didn't need three matches), and once each against CM Punk and the Big Show. With The Beast Incarnate working between two and three matches a year, it remains a mystery how the WWE will write around his extended absences - or how they'll go about the main events of PPVs that Brock doesn't work. Of course, there's always the chance that following his landmark WrestleMania XXX victory the company reworked Brock's contract so as to include more dates - but we know that him working anything resembling a full-time schedule is incredibly unlikely. After the post-SummerSlam Raw, the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion is expected to appear at the Night of Champions PPV and it's go-home Raw show. Beyond that, no one knows what his WWE schedule is like.
Journalism graduate from the University of Technology, Sydney.
As a child, when I wasn't doing typical Australian things like fending off dingoes while riding in the pouches of kangaroos, I was watching wrestling.