6 Problems With Brock Lesnar As WWE Champion

2. We Know He Won't Lose Until At least WrestleMania

Brock Lesnar has gone from a wildcard to a veritable annihilator. Since his return in 2012, the WWE have always treated him as a big deal - but now he's THE guy. At WrestleMania XXX John Bradshaw Layfield called him the King of the Jungle, and now those words couldn't be truer. After breaking the Undertaker's undefeated streak, a move that basically no one saw coming, Brock utterly demolished John Cena at SummerSlam. His sound and ultra decisive win over the 15-time world champ was almost as impressive as his victory over The Undertaker. Brock is finally being portrayed as the beast he should've always been portrayed as, with the divide between himself and the rest of the roster being immediately and abundantly clear. But the problem with having such a wide chasm between the roster and the champion is that no one feels like legitimate competition. Cena faces this problem all the time - his matches on Raw, no matter how good, are largely skip-able because we know there's no way he's losing, and if he does it'll be done in such a way to not mean anything (via interference, disqualification, etc.). It seems set in stone that Brock will only drop his title at an show befitting of such a colossal event - in other words, WrestleMania. So every time he defends the straps in between now and then, the WWE have to do a extraordinarily good job at getting Brock's opponent over as legitimate competition - and doing that with any type of regularity would essentially be impossible.

Journalism graduate from the University of Technology, Sydney. As a child, when I wasn't doing typical Australian things like fending off dingoes while riding in the pouches of kangaroos, I was watching wrestling.