6 Reasons Daniel Bryan's Retirement Will Hurt WWE In The Long Run

1. Vince May Be Unwilling To Invest In Independent Talent Whatsoever Now

With the revelation that within the first six months of his career Bryan had received multiple concussions, and anybody who has suffered a concussion knows it becomes pretty difficult to keep a tally on them after several, the wider scope of Daniel Bryan's retirement at such a young age could seriously hamper the development of his fellow wrestlers who have tread the independent circuit. WWE wants to look after their talent, and rightly so. One needs to look no further than the Chris Benoit tragedy to understand the potential negative effects of untreated brain injuries. With the finest doctors available at their disposal, WWE is able to keep the health of their talent at maximum priority; one too many concussions and that's it; career over. Look no further than the incredibly talented Corey Graves, who is now having to pick up a career in announcing and broadcasting, after falling short of WWE's concussion policy. In the independents this is a whole different story, talent bounces from promotion to promotion, picking up bumps and scrapes that can go untreated for years. With the sudden influx of independent-based talent in NXT, and the revelation from Bryan himself that he suffered so many concussions throughout the course of his career outside of WWE, his lasting legacy may well be that the huge names from outside WWE's bubble may well never go on to fulfil their massive potential.
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Daniel Bryan
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An English literature graduate who probably should do more writing, but chose to run a bar instead. Go figure.