6 Reasons Eva Marie Will Be An Awesome WWE Divas Champion

3. Looks

Eva Marie 15

Thanks to her modeling career Eva has always been in fantastic shape. With the recent commitment to wrestling, she's now in "wrestling shape" which ends up being more of a lean muscular look thanks to a balance of weights and cardio work.

With her deep tan, striking facial features, and blistering red hair; she tends to stand out in a crowd. Seriously, look at group photos of Eva and your eyes just naturally are drawn to her, don't fight it! Previously, she had black hair and was told she looked too much like a Bella. So in comes the red hair and aside from her "working had" gimmick it's her main focal point: "All red everything".

Even before this rumoured push she had been used in award ceremony appearances, WWE2K16 commercials, and was on the cover of multiple fitness magazines. She gets people talking, and that's exactly what WWE wants to see in a future champion.

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Josh's work has been seen on Cageside Seats, Yahoo, and The Richest. If it's not pro wrestling, he's definitely thinking about cured meats and/or sushi, but never all three at the same time...that can get weird. Twitter: @HeelDoors