6 Reasons Eva Marie Will Be An Awesome WWE Divas Champion

2. Anti-"Divas Revolution"

Eva Marie 15

Over the past few weeks we've seen a "Divas Revolution" on the main roster thanks to the addition of Sasha Banks, Charlotte, and Becky Lynch. In theory the mission is to transition the women's division away from looks/drama and more towards quality wrestling. This attempt at better wrestling is thanks to those that trained for an extended period of time in NXT.

The bad news for for Eva Marie is she will always be known as a Total Diva, no matter how much she improves. Even though Eva is in NXT now, that's just not how fans see her. The good news is this will make her one of the best heels on the main roster. If she can improve her skills enough to hang with Becky or Sasha fans won't be able to help but boo her for beating their favorites and have a lesser pedigree.

"Boo me all you want, it's going to be 'all red everything' for a very long time".

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Josh's work has been seen on Cageside Seats, Yahoo, and The Richest. If it's not pro wrestling, he's definitely thinking about cured meats and/or sushi, but never all three at the same time...that can get weird. Twitter: @HeelDoors