6 Reasons Why WWE Needs An Off-Season

1. Creative Gets A Mental Break


Like any writer, WWE creatives need mental breaks to create great future material.

The fact is, the creative team has to come up with storylines, scripts, gimmicks, adjustments, and really just a general direction of the product on a weekly basis. Again, the TV program comparison is a pertinent one.

If anyone was tasked with creating a continuing story for 52 straight weeks, there’s no way they could be at their best for that long. Giving the creative team a few months to simply step back, reevaluate, and see what works and what doesn’t, along with some fresh ideas could be the best thing to ever happen to wrestling.

It gives the team time to create new concepts, new gimmicks, and even potentially write some great television without the pressure of having to do it week after week. We all know that at times we scratch our heads at some of the madness that occurs week in and week out on WWE programming.

However, with a break, the writers may get the benefit of the doubt, as they may have been able to come up with something really great in their time off, and we just have to let it play out. Either way, mental breaks are a win-win, and the WWE creative team could benefit from one.

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