6 Reasons Why WWE Needs An Off-Season

2. The Current Product Is Oversaturated


Ever heard the old saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder”? Well it applies in this situation, too.

WWE programming gives us five hours of wrestling every week, and that’s not counting NXT, 205 Live, or WWE Superstars. Now, the comparison to other TV products is a little awkward, but imagine if Doctor Who gave us episodes for 52 weeks straight. Inevitably, you'd end up jaded with it.

It's not a problem for fans to miss the product, as other TV shows's fans do. If fans see AJ Styles week in and week out, he becomes less effective in their engagement with the storyline, even if he is a favourite.

Unless the storyline is downright amazing, excitement to see Styles will build naturally the longer he's not visible. Right now, missing a week of Raw or Smackdown is not actually a big deal, because what could possibly happen in one week?

You're far more likely to be excited for a product and storyline pay-offs if you've been given time to think over every possibility yourself.

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Wrestling, death metal, and cats.