6 Reasons WWE Network Lost Record Subscribers This Summer

6. Other Interests Being Worthy Of Fan Money

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One immediate problem crops up when examining fan interest in the WWE Network over a sustained period. Whilst big events like WrestleMania and the Royal Rumble advertise cards sometimes months in advance, other shows prefer to rely on commitment before anything is announced. This forces people to flat out hope things will be worthwhile.

That's a risky way to do business, especially with so many other entertainment streams fighting for customer attention. Investing in other hobbies becomes more enticing when you know what you're going to get for your money. Even Netflix doesn't approach things this way; sign-up to that service and the consistent quality is flaunted long before things are added to your watch list.

Customers may already watch Raw, SmackDown, and perhaps even NXT or 205 Live, but beyond that there's probably no desire for more. It's a strange strategy to expect people to sign up for something when they may end up being disappointed by the eventual card on offer and come to realise that the quality isn't much higher than regular TV.

On that note...

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.