6 Second Generation Wrestlers Who Could Be The Next Big Thing

1. Brian Pillman Jr

Brian Pillman Jr

Brian Pillman Jr was trained by Lance Storm, which is a good start for any aspiring wrestler, and sports the same eccentric style his dad did in the 90s. That mullet alone is something else, and it instantly sets Pillman Jr apart from everyone else on the indy circuit. Don't under-estimate the importance of flash.

A stalwart in MLW since signing last year, Pillman Jr has recently taken steps towards AEW by working the 'Casino Battle Royal' as part of the pre-show before Double Or Nothing. He's confident, wants to do his father's memory proud and is hardly slapdash inside the ring either. The future is very bright for Bri Jr.

He just needs a big platform to strut around on consistently.

At 25 years old, Pillman Jr is right in that sweet spot of potential. A WWE deal may not suit him (if only because of the way his father's life ended there in 1997), so AEW may be a better bet. Pillman Jr is perfect for All Elite. He's young, has immediate kinship with an older audience and could be moulded into something special under the right learning tree.

What other 2nd generation wrestlers do you have high hopes for? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.