6 Superficial Assets You Need To Be A WWE Diva

4. Be Content To Re-Use Another Wrestler's Theme Music

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ9I7VI683g Not every girl is worth the time and effort for Jim Johnson to cobble together another generic popdance entrance song. Case and point former Divas' Champ Layla El. Having returned from a long injury layoff after splitting from Laycool, WWE officials thought she should make her grand return with Laycool's theme song. This is despite having a nasty falling out and feud with her previous partner Michelle McCool and ending with Layla as the victorious face. It didn't take long for WWE to re-issue her a brand new song though... or did it? The powers that be once again thought it was appropriate to give her the theme song "Insatiable", previously used by Tiffany. Not only that, but how are the words, "I'm insatiable I can't get enough, I need to find a boy" even remotely appropriate for a woman in her mid-thirties? Get used to it girls - the WWE creative team care zilch and will trample on any attempt you make to have your own distinctive personalities.
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