6 Superficial Assets You Need To Be A WWE Diva

3. Show Off Skills Completely Unrelated To Wrestling... On A Wrestling Show

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynB9SNdbeCo So ladies... you made it to the WWE. Well done! But don't try and actually improve your wrestling skills. That'd be crazy! Instead, focus on displaying your average vocal skills which should for all intents and purposes remain with the rest of the YouTube wannabee singers (off my TV). That's right JoJo, I'm looking at you! Singing the national anthem before Brock Lesnar wrecks shop is not what gets me pumped. To be fair to the Divas, this is probably the writers' fault or management pushing them onto TV too soon. It does make you think why they insist on building a division around this dross when you have Paige, Bayley, Sara del Rey, etc. languishing in developmental when they could outwrestle 90% of the main roster.
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