6 Superstars Whose Gimmicks Were Totally Ripped Off From Comics

3. CM Punk and Anarky

Cm Punk Anarchy CM Punk€™s wrestling character isn€™t doesn€™t really require much explanation; how he behaves depends on his alignment. If he€™s a face, he€™s generally apathetic to other people€™s actions, but when he€™s a heel, he adopts this €˜better than you/I know what€™s best for you€™ attitude. Another important trait about him is that he€™s quite the anti-conformist, usually finding ways to challenge pre-existing norms and beliefs in contemporary society. In terms of motivation and personal beliefs, the comic book character that CM Punk most resembles would be Anarky. Born as Lonnie Machin, Anarky is a child prodigy with a fascination with anarchist thought, which he translates into committing crimes against the upper class of Gotham City. Despite the fact that CM Punk€™s entire wrestling career has been centered on his character being an extension of his true personality, the common attributes between CM Punk and Anarky are quite noticeable. But in terms of character, the comparisons start to get close with Anarky€™s motivations and CM Punk€™s real life personality, which often translates into his promos and mannerisms. Anarky€™s anti-authoritarian philosophies could be seen during the €˜Summer of Punk€™, where CM Punk constantly challenged Vince McMahon€™s authority for the betterment of the WWE Univers as a whole. The other major connection between the two is related to appearance. Though Anarky wears a costume, he doesn€™t really have any powers that make him €˜superhuman€™. He is essentially an extremely smart teenager who is driven by an idealistic mantra to bring about change in society. Despite that, he still manages to become a pain in the neck for Batman, which is at least a moderate success. Punk was in a similar position; he has often been criticized for not having the €˜look€™ of a wrestler, yet has demonstrated not only considerable knowledge of the wrestling industry, but has also put on many great matches and, prior to his sudden departure from the WWE, was one of their top Superstars. It just goes to show that you don€™t have to be all muscular and have special powers to be a superhero or supervillain. Just ask these two.
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CM Punk
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Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.