6 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (April 8)

4. Your Writer Was Wrong

Danhausen Hook

Time to hold one's hands up.

This fan prides himself on never being too stubborn to admit when he was totally wide of the mark about something. Recently, he said that an "odd couple" pairing between Danhausen and Hook would encroach on the latter's development. That, ladies and gents, was complete and utter b*llocks.

If anything, Danhausen's failure to put a curse on the moping fighting machine is aiding Hook's cause and giving him a new layer. This week, the face-painted git popped up out of a bin to try one more time. When that didn't work, he reached into the same container and picked up Hook's snack.

Danhausen wondered if that potatoey goodness might be where Hook "gets his powers". It was all very entertaining, but the best thing about these segments is that they don't chew up much time. They're becoming weekly highlights on Rampage.

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