6 Ups & 1 Down From WWE SmackDown (7 June - Results & Review)


6. Piper Niven Steps Up To Bayley

Piper Niven Bayley

Piper Niven handled herself well despite the live crowd giving her that irritating "WHAT?!" chant. She explained her journey from Scottish indy wrestler to future WWE Women's Champion well, and didn't let the fans rattle her or throw the promo off course. Credit to Bayley for keeping a stern face throughout too.

It might've been easier for her to play class clown and rib Piper.

Personally, this writer still isn't convinced by Bayley's title reign post-WrestleMania, but the match vs. Piper could be a sleeper hit come Clash At The Castle's card. It'll also be interesting to see how Bayley deals with effectively being the heel by default over in Scotland. There's no chance Glasgow boos Niven.

She cut her teeth for ICW in the city, and there will be a ton of love from family and friends in The Hydro on Saturday night. Sure, it's clear this is a speed bump style mini-feud for Bayley, but WWE has to find ways to keep her busy until Nia Jax challenges at SummerSlam.

This will do.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.